Q: I am considering purchasing a website and have questions about domain names. I understand that a website requires a domain name and am seeking advice on choosing the most appropriate one. I have noted that it is recommended to use a private name for the domain.
I have concerns about using my own name as the domain because I do not have a background in digital marketing; my expertise lies in water treatment as a chemical engineer.
I am transitioning back to the Philippines and looking to start an online business related to water treatment. I am contemplating how to position myself online, especially since my profession is not directly related to digital marketing, and I worry about credibility when presenting myself in this new field.
Website – a good option is to keep your name and identity private from the website. As a Facebook user, you can promote this website (W/c you own), of course. However, the website doesn’t have to have your name, degree, expertise, or mention of chemical engineering.
So, what should be on the site?
Here’s a mindset to use: “I will make sites that answer the questions of my best buyers.” (This concept is in the book Second Incomes”)
The questions will come from Google.
They can also come from you asking the AI, “What are the top most painful questions said by ____ who are doing ____or trying to accomplish _____ but they fail?”
Note: This is not obvious, but ALL popular websites with content do this (“Serve the reader”).
The golfing for newbies answers newbie questions about golfing. https://www.golfdigest.com/story/the-complete-beginner-s-guide-to-golf
The drinking alcohol website for newbies answers newbie questions about drinking alcohol.https://www.joinreframeapp.com/blog-post/drinking-for-the-first-time-tips-to-keep-in-mind
Note this last example on alcohol: They’re also selling an app (about alcohol!).
In both cases,
1. The name of the author is not there.2. The qualification of the author is not there.3. The face of the author is not there.
This is because people care only about “How can this Essay Help me?” If it helps them, they buy.They don’t bother about who sent them the essay or link.
PRESENTING YOURSELF AS A DIGITAL MARKETERYou don’t have to.You only do this if you want to be a freelancer who’s into digital marketing.This is covered in Virtual Careers, my first book.
And is covered in my Social Media Marketing 2023 Ebook.
SHOULD MY WEBSITE BE ABOUT WORDPRESS?Not really.Hammers are a tool.So are drills.Both are used in different ways by different professionals.If I wanted to “sell drills” – I could make a website about
MEN’S TOOLS (drills alongside, shavers, etc.).The readers would be people who will eventually want to use the same drills or same hammers I talk about in the site.
WHO ARE YOU?The mindset is – who are the specific users of WordPress websites?A Google search or an AI question can give you the answer.But open your eyes, as WordPress powers 45% of the world’s internet.Almost half of the sites you see out there use WordPress.So, who are they?They all paid for WordPress -so they must have money.So who will you serve?
ASK THIS QUESTION”What interests in my life would I like to Google, talk about, and read about?”These are easy and challenging questions, depending on your mindset.
Initially, it’s the college course we took or the job we did.But that’s not all.Our tiny interests are also shared by a lot of people online.For example, “Home Organic Farming.” This became a hit online – especially during the pandemic when everyone was trying to plant stuff at home.Another one is Pokemon Cards Trading. -lots of money there. So, with NBA cards.
Another one is Esports using Call of Duty (or Valorant, etc).
MY TAKEFor many people, asking, “What do I like?” is impossible.They say “none” or “all”.Or they refuse to answer until they have a “sure” answer or a “perfect answer.”
So my take is to forget about your likes – if you take more than 4 minutes to answer this question.
WHY?AI is taking over people’s attention.So, you cannot avoid conversing with people today – that doesn’t go into how they use AI.Since the attention is there, THAT’S THE NICHE.That’s the topic.

So AI. What about AI?AI Tools, of course.Everyday AI tools with Affiliate Marketing Programs come out.They’re free and quick to join.So you use them, try them out, ask the AI to talk about them – and put that content in your WordPress.You earn money that way.
SO HOW DO YOU SELL WORDPRESS WITH THIS?If your focus is selling WordPress, research the users you want to serve.The ones with money to spend.
Research – how are your AI Prompting Skills?
This is when you ask the AI your question instead of asking Google.Example:
It takes a few seconds to copy this AI Prompt:
“Please provide two separate lists of notable WordPress websites. The first list should include 25 technical websites with concise descriptions and estimated traffic numbers, formatted as follows: [Website Name] – [Description]. ~[Estimated Visitors]. The second list should include 25 non-technical websites, also with concise descriptions and estimated traffic numbers in the same format. Ensure that the descriptions are brief and relevant to the content of each website.”
Then, paste it into an AI LLM ( chat.openai.com for example ) and get the result. Which is this list:
Technical Websites
- WPBeginner – Guides for WordPress beginners. ~2M visitors.
- WPMU DEV Blog – Tips for WordPress developers. ~300K visitors.
- SitePoint – Tutorials for web developers. ~800K visitors…
…. - GitHub Blog – Updates from the GitHub platform and community.~500K visitors.
Non-Technical Websites
- Pinch of Yum – Food blog with recipes and cooking tips. ~1.5M visitors.
- Austin Kleon – Author blog on creativity and books. ~500K visitors.
- Boing Boing – Articles on culture and technology trends.~1M visitors.
- Observer – Lifestyle and political news site.~1M visitors.
- Daybreaker – Dance events in various cities.~200K visitors.
- The Harvard Gazette – University updates and events.~600K visitors.
- Inhabitat – Articles on eco-friendly living.~600K visitors.
- Yummy Tummy – Recipes and cooking techniques.~500K visitors.
- A Beautiful Mess – DIY projects, recipes, and home decor ideas.~700K visitors.
- Spoon Fork Bacon – Recipes and cooking tips.~300K visitors.
- Apartment Therapy – Inspiration for small spaces.~2M visitors.
- The Kitchn – Recipes, tips, and kitchen hacks.~1M visitors.
- The Everygirl – Career advice, travel tips, and home decor ideas.~700K visitors.
- The Art of Manliness – Advice on men’s lifestyle topics.~1M visitors.
Three years ago, the answer would take hours to figure out.Today, in three seconds, you have the answer.
So, what do we use this list for?We read it and get inspiration – who we wish to serve.For example:
1. HELP THEM MAKE ONE LIKE ITIn the Art of Manliness, this is an example of the niche of men’s lifestyles, which is a good topic.
It doesn’t mean you’re going to make a blog like it.It means your website will encourage people to make a blog about men’s lifestyle.
What do they need to make a blog?
Now, who are these people who would want to do this?
To find out the answer, you should READ the Art of Manliness website.
Who are the people featured there?
Are they dress /suit makers?Are they custom mechanics?Are they real estate sellers of bachelor pads?
Are they evil swingers or holy Catholic dads?All the above – may want to make a website – like the Art of Manliness.Who’s going to help them do that?
Your Website.How will you help them?
Well, that’s not even the first goal.
The first goal is to get their attention by making content they like.
This content must solve a problem for these people.Then we can talk about websites.Your goal is never to “sell WordPress” – it’s to serve them first.WordPress can just be one of the things you sell them.
This girl has a WordPress that talks about her family’s finances.
How does she encourage people to make WordPress websites?
She mentions it – “If you like to make a blog about your family’s finances, click here to use the same tools I use ________”.
She only mentions it some of the time.
But she does mention it.
Is her content about WordPress?
Sometimes only.
It’s mainly about Family Finances.
I hope this is clear now.
EMOTIONAL IMPORTANCEWhat topic do we want to talk about or research more about?Your emotional interest in the topic is essential because it will help you get up daily and research it.If your interest is only in “earning from it,” you better be committed than most.Earning money is a lousy goal when doing sideline or side hustles.
A bad day can cause you to give up by playing basketball or re-watching the All Three Lord of the Rings Extended Edition and then forgetting about your WordPress project.
AN EMOTIONALLY INTERESTED NICHE THOUGHIt can help you with motivation…And you’ll increase your interest in it as time goes by.This is a long game.
All businesses are long games.
This is not “an investment” where you wait for the “ROI” after five years.
You’ll need tons of cash for “investments” like that.
This is a business we’re building.Even if it feels like and is “just” a sideline business.
This one has a potential to be a major source of income.
But we underpromise and call it Second Incomes so you’ll be less stressed.
You’ll also be more committed to doing this long term.Because it is.